What is Display Advertising?

Do you want to increase your brand awareness and ROI very significantly? Aren’t you using display advertising? Then you must reach an expert marketing agency to get everything done in the right way. We, at FansGain, have been delivering result-oriented display advertising services. Display advertising is the art of grabbing the attention of the audience by regularly posting eye-catching ad creatives on social media and digital mediums. It is a way to encourage the user to take the intended action. It is done in the form of image-based, text, and video advertisements. Every time a user clicks on the ad, the advertiser is charged. Now, such types of advertisements are used for retargeting campaigns.

FansGain aims to take your business from it is to where it wants to be and for that, we have formed a team of digital marketing and advertisement experts. With all these years of experience, running successful display campaigns have become our USP. If you want to try any form of display ads, you can reach our platform.

1. Banner Ads: Banners appear at the top of the websites. It has been very famous among companies as this form is one of the traditional and oldest.

2. Interstitial Ads: These ads appear when a user wants to reach a certain page. They are shown up before they access the requested page.

3. Rich Media: When you see any ad containing interactive elements such as audio, video, clickable elements, then you have come across rich media.

4. Video Ads: In the current decade, video ads have taken over the world. Be it every platform, YouTube, Facebook, or any play store game or app, video ads are everywhere. These have become an easy way to reach your audience and connect with them in a better way.

Why Us?

We try to get the best out of it and bring the most to your business. Our video editors and content writers first understand your business, conduct solid research, and then come up with a concept to make it a boom and video editing skills are a big yes. We know the strategies and the ways to make the first few seconds count. Great timing, highlighting the great points about a brand are other things that make us stand out of the rest.

Not only digital awareness, but a digital presence is equally important these days. FansGain is helping brands to strengthen their presence and make a say in the fast-changing world.