Website Audit Report by Humans, not automated bot

Website SEO Audit Improves Business
We’ll review your website’s content, structure, and other key factors to help you make the necessary changes to
Our SEO audit services will help you identify areas of improvement for your website so you can attract more visitors and convert more leads.
Audit for Actionable SEO Plan for your Website. Done by experienced SEO experts. Comprehensive SEO audit is designed to create search engine domination path.
Let’s connect with our SEO & Website Audit experts and find hidden gems and save SEO leakage Money.

Importance of SEO Audit Services for your business

Better Search Visibility

More Relevant Organic Traffic

High Conversion Rates

Website search engine optimization audit.

Website search engine optimization audit Services Agency

SEO Audits helps to find better SEO opportunities

By making sure that your website is optimised for search engines, you can ensure that your business gets seen by more potential customers than ever before.

A comprehensive SEO audit for your ecommerce website to ensure that it is optimally visible to search engines and potential customers.

More about Website Auditing

Utilize Comprehensive SEO Audit Report To Improve Your Business within few Weeks

Why Choose FansGain for Your Business Site Auditing

Let us Fix your SEO while you focus on running your business.

With our expert assistance, you can leave the SEO management to us and focus on what really matters – running your business.

FansGain SEO Audit Services Features

Our SEO audit services are designed to provide a comprehensive analysis of your website’s SEO performance, identifying any issues or opportunities for optimization. Our team of SEO experts uses the latest tools and techniques to evaluate your website’s on-page and off-page factors, providing you with actionable insights to improve your website’s search engine rankings and drive more organic traffic.

Our SEO Audit Services Includes following Analysis in Site Audit Reports

Siloing Structure Audit

Siloing is a website structure strategy that involves organizing content into distinct groups or categories, also known as silos. This type of structure can help improve the user experience and make it easier for search engines to understand the overall theme of your website.


Keywords Audit

A keyword audit is an important part of any SEO strategy, as it involves evaluating the effectiveness of your website’s current keywords and identifying opportunities for optimization. By conducting a keyword audit, you can ensure that your website is targeting the right keywords to attract your target audience and improve your search engine rankings.

Internal & External links Audit

During an internal and external link audit, we’ll analyze your website’s current linking structure, identify any issues or opportunities for optimization, and implement best practices for internal and external linking. By optimizing your website’s linking structure, we can help ensure that your website is well-organized, easy to navigate, and optimized for search engines.

Internal & External links Audit

On-Page Content Audit

By conducting an on-page audit, we can help ensure that your website’s individual pages are optimized for search engines and user experience. By following best practices for content quality, keyword optimization, title tags and meta descriptions, user experience, and internal linking, we can help improve your website’s search engine rankings and attract more organic traffic.

10-Step SEO Audit & Checklist

As an SEO expert, we can tell you that there’s no one-size-fits-all recipe for a successful SEO audit. But there are core elements that have been time-tested to drive organic search supremacy. The following 10 steps are a great starting point to identify and remedy flaws in your website’s SEO performance.

Identify link building opportunities

Look for opportunities to build high-quality, relevant links to your website to boost your authority and drive more organic traffic.

Find potential information architecture improvements

Evaluate your website’s structure and navigation to ensure that it’s intuitive and easy for users to navigate.

Find (and fix) thin content

Identify pages on your website with thin, low-quality content and improve them to provide more value to your users and improve your website’s search engine rankings.

Identify (and nix) duplicate content

Find and eliminate duplicate content on your website, which can harm your website’s search engine rankings and user experience.

Scan for keyword optimization

Evaluate your website’s keyword strategy and optimize your content with targeted keywords to improve your search engine rankings.

Optimize metadata

Ensure that your website’s metadata, including title tags and meta descriptions, accurately describe your content and include targeted keywords.

Identify page update opportunities

Look for opportunities to update and refresh your website’s content to keep it relevant and engaging to users.

Run page speed analytics

Evaluate your website’s page load speed and identify opportunities to improve it, which can have a significant impact on your website’s search engine rankings and user experience.

Scan for site errors

Identify and fix any technical errors on your website, such as broken links or missing pages, which can harm your website’s search engine rankings and user experience.

Switch from HTTP to HTTPS

Ensure that your website is using HTTPS to provide a secure browsing experience for your users and improve your website’s search engine rankings.